Saturday, November 3, 2018

Traditional Markting vs Digital Marketing

Difference between Traditional and Digital Marketing

Many small business struggle with selecting which type of advertisement to do, in light of the fact that their budget will just be sufficient for one or other, and not for both. The choice that must be made are difficult: Which plan for Marketing will give the most value for money? How will i know whether my advertisement is Working?

Traditional Marketing :

Traditional marketing is the process where promotion of business is done manually unlike Online Digital Marketing. This is the most common and the oldest form of advertisement which started ever since marketing came into existence.

Newspaper Ad- Traditional Marketing
For example, You may have seen those huge Billboards along roads or highways displaying Cars, Bikes, Construction Company Ads etc. or those Newspaper ads displaying the newly released mobile or car models. Also while walking through the market or some crowded area, you may have encounter the person offering free pamphlets. 

These are few of the traditional methods of business promotion. Here, people who see or read the billboards or the newspaper, or who reads the pamphlet, gets to know about the business or the product that they are promoting. 

But we have no idea if anyone have actually read and is interested in business. Some people even after taking the pamphlet do not read it and they either throw it away or use it for some other purpose.

Traditional form of advertisements are very costly. Company has to invest money in terms of millions for creating and displaying Ads and Billboards. For Instance, Times of India charges INR6500 approx. per sq cm/day for Front Page Advertisement.

Another disadvantage is that even after spending huge amount of money the promoters are not aware whether the consumers are getting aware of their business/products or not.

Digital Marketing 

Digital Marketing on the other hand is the process where promotion of business is done Online via electronic medium. Digital Marketing or Internet Marketing is the modern form of advertisement.

Facebook Ads - Digital Marketing
One of the main benefit of Digital Marketing is that, it allows us to target globally i.e. it can make your product or business reach to every part of the world.

Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing  

It is presently certain that Digital Marketing is done on the basis that we getting more buyer online in the advanced world, yet we additionally need to see how really Digital Marketing benefits us. 

1 Cost 

Cost is one of the biggest factor for a company when it comes to business marketing. While Newspaper, TV and other traditional media promotions costs a lot, publicizing through the web is very moderate. 

You may need to pay for ads in newspaper or magazines every day you run an ad, but this does not happen with digital marketing. You can update or promote your business on your website without any additional cost, if you have a person who can update.

2 Better Audience Target

With modern technologies, it is possible to collect relevant information about customers who visits the website and target them accordingly. In traditional marketing method it was difficult to target the audience as we do not get any information about the customer who reads or who gets interested with our business marketing.

3 Bigger Marketing Exposure

In traditional method, it is possible only to target a specific area or location at a time providing small exposure. However with Digital Marketing, the exposure can be expanded as marketing over the internet reaches to people all over the world whoever is using the internet.

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